Minneapolis – Best Buy has opened a new Magnolia Design
Center in its store in Santana Row, near Santa Clara, Calif.
This new location provides a broad assortment of
high-performance audio, video and home automation solutions for the home and a
unique experiential shopping environment for those who want luxury home theater
equipment and expertise that can’t be found elsewhere, the retailer said.
The Santana Row “store within a store” Magnolia Design
Center is replacing its stand-alone counterpart, previously located nearby in
Santa Clara.
This grand opening is a continuation of Best Buy’s recent
expansion of the Magnolia Design Center brand throughout the West Coast. There
are 383 branded boutique Magnolia Home Theater “stores within a store” already
existing within current Best Buy locations nationwide, but the new Design Center
opening brings the total to just seven of their kind in the country, Best Buy
Magnolia Design Centers cater to the “unique needs of its
customers with fully customized home installation services and trained sales
professionals, specialized in luxury design capabilities,” the retailer said.
The new design center features brands including McIntosh,
NuVision, MartinLogan, Marantz, Arcam, Sonus faber and Control4.
The new Magnolia Design Center showrooms include a dedicated
high performance theater, integrated great room and an outdoor living space
including numerous lifestyle and technology vignettes, displaying the latest
technology for consumers’ homes, Best Buy said.