AudioControl wants to encourage a grass-roots movement within the autosound
aftermarket to refocus on audio performance in its promotional messages to
generate future growth.
The company
has developed the “Make Better Sound” slogan and logo that it is offering without
copyright fees to retailers and suppliers here at CES for use in print, web,
and broadcast ads. The intent is to “invite autosound enthusiasts to rediscover
their audio roots,” said president Tom Walker. The Make Better Sound campaign “encourages
mobile electronics specialists to demonstrate and educate their customers in
regards to achieving better audio performance,” he added.
Much of the
audio industry’s focus has turned to convenience in recent years, he said.
sounding car audio systems leave a lasting impression with their owners,” he
continued. “Ultimately, happy customers show off their systems to their friends,
who in many cases become enthusiasts themselves.”
The company
invited CES attendees to stop by its North Hall 2218 booth for more details
about the campaign and receive a free” Make Better Sound” lanyard to wear
around the show.