San Francisco – Apple TV users this week received an upgrade to
their streaming service options that brings out-of-market Major League Baseball
and National Basketball Association games to their TV sets.
Through the new software, the set-top box offers access to MLB.TV,
baseball’s subscription-based live game streaming service, and a similar NBA
MLB.TV streaming, which had previously been available for Roku
and PlayStation3, is offered through two subscription options: $100 a year for
standard, or $120 for the premium offering, which delivers both home and away
broadcasts, in-game DVR capability and different camera options.
The NBA League Pass package, which also has been available for
online streaming and as a mobile phone app for Android and iOS, also offers two
fee options: $65 for seven teams, or $100 for unlimited streaming.
promoting Apple TV service this week
. It will require a software update for
the Apple TV box, and a subscription to MLB.TV.
For signing up, early birds will also have access to some Spring
Training games for free.
The MLB.TV service is built-into the AppleTV firmware and does
not require a special add-on app.