AMD has introduced the new AMD Radeon
HD 6000M processor series, which incorporates a
high-end graphics processor on the same chip.
The series, dubbed Fusion, contains four performance
levels containing seven separate processor subseries.
The processors all contain discrete level graphics capability
and DirectX 11 enabling them to play games and
show HD quality video, said Leslie Sobon, VP, product
and platform marketing.
For gaming enthusiast laptops there are the HD
6900M/HD 6800 series, while AMD’s offering for highperformance
laptops are the HD6700M/HD 6600M/
HD 6500M. For mainstream computers priced between
$400 and $600 there is the HD 6400M, while the HD
6300M is intended for thin and light laptops, said Sobon.
She said gamers wanted massive performance, while
the performance chip delivers premium HD video. The
mainstream processors provide a lower level, on the go
HD experience with a cost-effective balancing of power
and performance. The thin and light users were primarily
interested in having the longest battery life.
The processors, AMD’s first new X86 core design
since 2003, are based on the company’s Brazos platform
and include two subsets: the 18-watt Zacate processor
for larger notebooks and desktop PCs, and the
9-watt Ontario for netbooks and ultra-light and thin laptops.
The first computers using these processors are expected
to ship in January, while a third derivative of the
Brazos platform, code-named Llano will hit stores during
the back to school time frame.
The HD 6000M also offers multi-display capability,
support for Displayport 1.2, HDMI 1.4a and 2D to 3D
conversion. Sobon said AMD will not become involved
in 3D glasses manufacturing, but will support the glasses
Another aspect of the launch is the processors were
designed to fit into AMD’s Vision retail branding strategy.
Vision, which was rolled out last year, uses POP
material to steer consumers toward the computer containing
the processor best suited for their needs, as was
done with the HD 6000M. Vision also includes store
level sales associate training that is delivered by an outside
firm hired by AMD.
Sobon said Vision has generated a strong uptick for
AMD when it comes to customer awareness, recommending
AMD products and having the customer receive
the proper explanation from the store’s staff regarding
AMD’s products.