Waterloo, Canada – BlackBerry’s third-quarter smartphone shipments rose slightly to around 2 million units compared to the year-ago 1.9 million, but for the first nine months of fiscal 2015, shipments were down 58 percent to 6.9 million from the year-ago 16.6 million.
Third-quarter sellthrough to end users fell to about 1.9 million smartphone from the year-ago 4.3 million.
For the first nine months of the 2015 fiscal year, smartphone shipments fell 54 percent to 5.7 million compared to the year-ago 12.4 million.
The company previously announced that because of handset-shipment declines, it was trimming its handset line.
Declining handset sales contributed to the company’s 33.5 percent sales decline in the third quarter to $793 million and to a nine-month decline of 54 percent to $2.67 billion.
The company, however, continued to pare its losses, with the third-quarter GAAP operating loss falling to $139 million from a year-ago $5 billion and the net loss falling to $148 million from $4.4 billion.
For the nine-month period, GAAP operating losses fell to $317 million from $6.6 billion and the net loss fell to $332 million from $5.5 billion.
On a non-GAAP basis, the company said it posted a third-quarter net profit of $6 million, reversing a $12 million non-GAAP net loss in the second quarter.
The company said it “continues to target sustainable non-GAAP profitability some time in fiscal 2016.”